Father of the euro dies at 86

Hotnewstoday: Lamfalussy is Chủ tịch đầu tiên of Viện tiền tệ châu Âu, an định chế ra đời năm 1994 but chỉ exists in one thời gian ngắn ngùi for nhiệm vụ duy nhất is chuẩn bị cho quá trình thành lập ECB.

Alexandre Lamfalussy, Hungarian-born economist emigrated to Belgium with only USD vài in pocket but then have trở people được considered the "father" of the dollar, has died aged 86 out.

According to news agency BELGA of Belgium, died on 9/5 Lamfalussy. European Central Bank are just a confirmation is given this information.

Lamfalussy is chairman of first the European Monetary Institute, an institution was born in 1994 but only exists in one short period for the sole task is to prepare for the establishment of the ECB.

"He foresaw the necessity of the unification of the financial system and monetary policy in Europe and has worked very actively to accelerate this process," the ECB's announcement one reads .

As an academic economist, then working in a private bank, and finally a Central Bank, the euro protects Lamfulussy danger of being wiped out by the effects of the debt crisis .

"The European Union can not exist without a monetary union, we must do this even if difficult to do," he said so two years ago.

Lamfalussy role in the promotion of the monetary union started in 1976, when he worked at the Bank of International Settlements (Bank for International Settlements - BIS), which is headquartered in Basel are responsible for secondary clearing center for central banks.

He was appointed CEO of BIS in 1985 and three years later joined the board of the Central Bank outlines the roadmap for the European common currency. In this assembly there Wim Duisenberg (who later as Chairman of the ECB), Wim Duisenberg Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and (the then Prime Minister of Italy).

Variable plan becomes reality his mission when EMI launched in Frankfurt - "home" of the German Central Bank. Bundesbank was too big a shadow covering the European economy, so that the Lamfalussy struggling escape his shadow. After the first meeting in January 1/1994 of EMI, he told reporters that he would not accept the Bundesbank have greater influence.

In fact, the Bundesbank has to influence the establishment of the ECB. Currency philosophy of Germany - which revolves around interest rates and inflation - has become an important part of the ECB's monetary policy.

Born on 26.04.1929 in kapuvar, Hungary, Lamfalussy left home in 1949, when the "iron curtain" was lifted in Eastern Europe. Along with three friends, he crossed the border into Austria snow covered.

Lamfalussy majored in economics at the University of Leuven and obtained a doctorate from Oxford University in 1957. It is also in 6 Western European countries signed the Treaty of Rome, the nucleus of today's European Union.

He served as economic adviser at the private bank Banque de Bruxelles and later became chairman of the board of this bank in 1971. He resigned after the bank losses for foreign currency transactions the defense and the existence of the bank at risk.

In 1957 he married Anne-Marie Cochard. They have three sons. In 1996, he was awarded the title Belgian baron.
