Apple has officially introduced the new MacBook comes with many changes in its facilities in 2015. Of these, the most notable is the improvement of a new trackpad integrated force sensor technology to hit the Force Touch Taptic Engine 4 sensors based on its hit inside. This not only helps the device can be flexible interaction with users but also help developers design applications to expand support for its products. Inklet is a typical example.
Inklet is firm specializing in the design of software, accessories for Macbook, iPhone has launched an application that runs on Mac OS X lets you drag multiple processing points on Macbook, Macbook Pro into a fully electronic drawing board. With this application, you can use the pen to draw, write easily without using your finger.
Comes with application called Inklet Trackpad Tablet is 2 type of pen used to draw or write Inklet text on the touchpad. It is compatible with the adjustment application, image processing, such as Text Edit text (like the Windows Notepad), Photoshop, Brushes, Illustrator ... A bright highlight areas allow you to customize the drawing or writing about that empty.
And with new technology on the MacBook trackpad, Inklet expanded and deployed more features to their products. Simply press the power you can change the paint shades rather than pre-selecting. In addition, the drag and color correction in Photoshop and Lightroom thereby also become easier. This is equivalent to the table you own a professional look but only one accessory at $ 25 only.