Apple CEO Tim Cook outburst in China

Hotnewstoday: Tim Cook's first published article on Weibo - "Twitter of China" - Wednesday 11/5 in the iPhone 6. He wrote in both Chinese and English with a brief content: "Hello China! I am very happy to be back in Beijing and announced the program for the new environment. "

Just 3 hours later, the account had 301 628 visitors TimCook track and this number continues to grow rapidly (currently 407 418). Cook not track anyone on Weibo and also not signed anything else. His first article received 63,000 likes, sharing more than 38,000 times.

Screenshot of Tim Cook Weibo account Monday 05/12/2015.

Content that Tim Cook posted related to Apple's new announcement about the cooperation with the Fund for Nature (WWF) to protect about 1 million acres of trees in China. These forests provide wood to produce pulp, paper and other products made from wood. This is part of the initiatives to reduce environmental impact and only uses renewable energy producers of iPhone.

Apple's new program comes just three weeks after the company revealed large energy projects in China first. The airline said 87% of global activity is based on renewable energy, energy projects in Sichuan Province will bring Apple closer to 100% committed.

"This can not happen in just one night. In fact, it takes many years. However, it is important that it is happening and Apple in a special position to bring this initiative to the ambitious goal. This is a responsibility that we accept done, "Cook said.

Energy facilities in Sichuan will generate enough power for 61,000 homes, to provide extra strength for all offices and Apple stores in China.
