Raspberry Pi 2 boasts more memory and faster processor

The new Raspberry Pi 2 marks a major modification for the credit card-sized computer, which has sold more than four million units since launch

A new version of the Raspberry Pi single-board computer has been unveiled in London today, boasting more memory and a new processor that is six times faster than its predecessor.

The Raspberry Pi 2 is available to buy today from element14, priced at $35 (£22.50). It is the same size as the previous version, but comes with a Broadcom BCM2836 ARMv7 quad core processor, and runs at 900MHz with 1GB of RAM.

All previous Raspberry Pi projects can be upgraded to benefit from the improved performance via an operating system update. All cases and third-party add-on boards are also fully compatible with the new Raspberry Pi.

The new model has an expanded number of input/output pins, making it possible to connect up to four USB devices – including some powered devices such as hard drives – as well as multiple sensors, connectors and expansion boards.

It will also support a version of Windows 10, as well as traditional open source Linux distributions. The Raspberry Pi 2-compatible version of Windows 10 will be available free of charge to makers, Mr Upton said in a blog post.

"Today's launch of Raspberry Pi 2 takes the Raspberry Pi platform to a completely new level," said Eben Upton, CEO of Raspberry Pi Trading

"Combining a sixfold increase in processing power and a doubling of memory capacity with complete backward compatibility with the existing Model B+, Raspberry Pi 2 is the perfect board for professionals and hobbyists alike."

Over four million Raspberry Pi boards have been sold since its launch in February 2012, and the kit have been widely adopted by schools and enthusiasts across the world, with a focus on learning to code.

However, Raspberry Pi faces growing competition. Rivals include the Arduino, Intel Galileo, Gizmo 2, BeagleBone Black and Hummingboard, as well as the Creator CI20, from British chip designer Imagination.

element14, which distributes Raspberry Pi, has launched over 30 accessories specifically designed and manufactured to expand the usability of the Raspberry Pi.

"The Raspberry Pi 2 delivers exceptional speed and power at a low cost, opening up new opportunities for innovation," said Claire Doyle, global head of Raspberry Pi at element14.

"Solutions such as the Internet of Things, motor control, scope applications, audio and FPGA are all made available to Raspberry Pi users through products from PiFace, BitScope, Cirrus Logic Audio Card and EnOcean."

How to get what you want: using Google properly

Google spends millions of dollars making its search engine easier to use, but by using advanced search features we can dig out more focused information from the huge cloud of data that is the internet. Here are some of the best tricks

Google throws millions of dollars and hundreds of PhDs into making its search engine easier to use. And it’s important that they do, because most of us treat it like a sentient oracle rather than bothering to carefully craft our queries: “Where’s the best pizza in Camden? Who was the US President during the Cuban missile crisis? Who wrote the book that Blade Runner is based on?”

It’s the world’s default search engine simply because it works well even when we use it incorrectly.

But by giving Google some logical instruction we can dig out more focused information from the huge cloud of data that is the internet. There are several tricks you can use to refine your results. Here are some of the best.

Removing clutter

Imagine you’re looking for websites about Norwich - perhaps you’re planning a trip - but pages about Norwich City Football Club are cluttering your results. You can tell Google what you’re not looking for, just as much as what you are, with a minus symbol. So if you want Norwich information but aren’t interested in football:

Norwich -football

Similarly, if you want to find mentions of the word inception, but none related to the Leonardo DiCaprio film:

Inception -film

Exact phrases

You can also look for an exact phrase, perhaps a quote from a book or a person's phone number, by placing speech marks around it:

"To be or not to be"

The opposite of this is sometimes also true: rather than an exact phrase, you may want to search for all words which have a similar meaning. Place a ~ before a word to also search for synonyms.

Specific websites

Speech marks help you to find a specific phrase anywhere on the internet, but what if you want to search for something vague in a specific place? You can easily limit your search results to pages from a single website:

site:telegraph.co.uk iphone review

Many of these features - but not all - can be used via a simple user interface via Google's advanced search page.


Sometimes the global nature of the internet can get in the way. Imagine you want to read reviews of local pubs. Searching for "The King's Head" is going to be tricky as there are hundreds, but we can use the "location" tag to narrow down our results.

The King's Head location:Norwich

Missing words

If you're looking for a certain something, but can't remember part of it, you can substitute a *. For instance, you want to search for quotations of Martin Luther King's famous speech on civil rights, but his immortal line partially escapes you. Searching for:

"I have a * that my four little children will one day live"

Will bring up results just as this would:

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live"

Find similar sites

Found a useful website, and want to track down others that are similar? Google has a feature for that:


What's this image?

If you have an image but don't know its source, you can drag-and-drop it onto the search box in Google's Image Search. The results will then show all websites which use the same - or similar - images.

This feature has even been used in the past to identify mystery objects: snap a photo on a plain background, and a search will reveal similar images - the context will explain what it is.
